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Q: How much did a bottle of imported Remy Martin XO cost in 2000?


A: According to the price list from that year, a 700ml bottle of Remy Martin XO was priced at around 1500-1800 RMB.

Q: Was that considered expensive back then?

A: Absolutely, it was. The average monthly salary in China at that time was only about 1000 RMB, so one bottle of XO could cost a whole month's worth of earnings for some people.


Q: Was Remy Martin XO a popular choice among consumers in China at that time?

A: Yes, it was one of the most sought-after luxury spirits in the market. However, due to high import taxes and limited supply, the prices of imported XO brands were significantly higher than their domestic counterparts.

Q: How did Chinese consumers react to the high prices?

A: Some saw it as a status symbol to be able to afford such expensive liquor, while others were deterred by the price and opted for more affordable options. Nevertheless, the demand for imported luxury spirits continued to rise as China's economy grew and more people became affluent.

Impact on China's Alcohol Market

Q: Did the introduction of imported luxury spirits like Remy Martin XO have any significant impact on China's alcohol market?

A: Yes, it did. The influx of high-end products from overseas created a new market segment for luxury goods and changed consumer preferences. Local liquor producers also took notice and started to upgrade their own products to meet the demand for premium spirits.

Q: How has this trend evolved over time?

A: Today, imported luxury spirits are widely available in China and continue to be popular among consumers. However, with the rise of a new generation of local winemakers, traditional Chinese liquor brands are also gaining popularity and recognition as a symbol of national pride and heritage.

In conclusion, the pricing and availability of imported luxury spirits like Remy Martin XO in 2000 reflected the state of China's economy and consumer market at that time. However, the impact of these products on the development of the country's alcohol industry cannot be understated. As China continues to grow and evolve, it will be interesting to see how the market for high-end spirits will continue to change and adapt to new trends and demands.